My First Baby

My name is Sue, and I am expecting my first child in February 2009. I just moved to Savannah, Ga to live with my cousin and have my baby - in the only birthing center in the state! Lucky me!

Finally, after waiting 31 long weeks, I know that I'll be having a GIRL! so excited!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Tomorrow is the day

Well tomorrow is Dec. 16 and I will finally find out what the sex of my baby is. I am so excited. I have waited 7 long months for this and the emotions are indescribable. I have to say that I am very lucky to have my cousin with me because if it wasn't for her I would have to go through this all alone and that would be scary and frustrating. I am hoping for a girl but my gut instincts tell me that I am going to have a boy. Which ever I have I am just happy to have a healthy baby and will love my baby with all my heart. I had an appointment last week and heard my baby's heart beat. I almost started to cry. I have only 2 months left of my pregnancy and can't wait to see my beautiful new baby.

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